Friday, August 28, 2009

War and the Bible (La Guerre et la Bible)

War and the Bible (La guerre et la bible)
This book was written during the phoney war(the “joke of a war”) before Germany invasion’s of France in May 1940.
Madeleine Chasles replaces wars in their eschatological context. The first war started with the fight between God and the fallen angels and the last war wil Harmageddon after which war will be abolished.
Mankind is condemned to levy wars.
Wars are the logical consequence of a devious mind, of no love, of hatred, of seeking monetary rewards only.
Wars always have existed, only a few years of peace in the last 3000 years, and it will continue to plague the world. She notes that Jesus Christ was born at a time of relative peace under Roman occupation. God does not will war and the Bible is not a war book. The Bible is a book of Peace.
Learn to read the bible as an incentive to strengthen peace.
God uses wars to punish and educate.
M.C. reviews the main wars described in the bible
They are proofs that God is actively involved in human history.
M.C. tackles the difficult question of the brutalities committed in the name of God, specifically the killing of women and children once the Canaanites cities had been conquered and it always ended with a massacre. M.C. kind of justify the massacre because of the horrors committed in those cities, child sacrifices etc… it was important to cleanse the area and ensure the new religion’s survival.
There are constant references to the international context, the brutal invasion of Poland and Finland, the civil war in Spain and the occupation of Erythrea. No less than 35 wars in the previous 25 years.
She mentions the names of Hitler and Staline as the two dangerous great men of the time.
She draws parallels with the Apocalypse and its description of the battles.

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