Friday, August 28, 2009

Short Biography of Madeleine Chasles

o Born 1890 in a military family.
o From 1897 to 1905, intern in the convent of the sacred heart of St Fleury near Grenoble
o In 1905, the family moves to Paris as Madeleine’s father, Capitaine Defontaine is appointed second in command of the War College (Ecole de Guerre)
o Madeleine announces to her family her intention to become a nun. Dissuaded by family
o Madeleine meets Raymond Chasles, a scholar, linguist and graduate of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes
o Madeleine and Raymond Chasles are married on June 27th, 1911 in Paris
o Both enjoy a very busy social life
o In 1914, Raymond is enlisted as Russian interpreter at the Press Bureau
o Madeleine works as a nurse in the Val-de -Grace military hospital until 1915.
o Physically and mentally exhausted she turns to studying Art History
o At that time she rekindles her interest in bible studies and visits Chartres several times.
o In 1917, Madeleine experiences a mystical illumination during all saint week
o Experiences doubt and spiritual suffering for six years
o Madeleine organizes study groups (Cercle d’Etudes) for young catholic women.
o In the early twenties meets Pierre Nicolet who is totally paralized
o In 1928, visit of Palestine
o 1934, Madeleine joins the Saint Paul Society which promotes bible reading.
o Series of conferences by her husband on the bible.(standing room only)
o Spent the second world war in Loges en Josas near Paris and also in the countryside.

o Exact date of death unknown (probably late sixties)

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