Friday, August 28, 2009

De la bête a Dieu, from animal to God, written with Raymond Chasles

De la bête a Dieu, from animal to God, written with Raymond Chasles
Animals are “beggars of love”, united to mankind through shared suffering, in the bible used as sacrifices, as an offering to God, instead of human sacrifices, as scapegoats to shoulder the burden of human sins, shared in the original sin, shared history of suffering,
According to Madeleine Chasles precursor, announcer of Jesus Christ.
Animals as intermediaries between God and mankind
Mystery of animal suffering
Suffering inflicted on animals
Gratuitous suffering for sport or cosmetic reasons- this is a sin.
Madeleine Chasles denounces the sufferings inflicted to animals.
Also on farms how animals are mistreated.
While we need to kill for our sustenance we should not inflict gratuitous suffering on animals
Showing love to our animals brings us closer to the Kingdom of God
Showing love to all creation enables us to spread the peace and love of God.
Animals love to be talked to. M.C. documented how rabbits and chicken love being talked to. Animals are eager to contact humans.
Animals have souls
Animals have a third sense, anticipate earthquakes
Animals will share in the resurrection
Also Madeleine Chasles reads the bible literally when she notes that in several instances the bible talks about an ideal age where the lamb will graze with the wolf and the lion share the pastures with the gazelle, there will be peace among all animal species.
M.C. forces us to think of the economy of the creation, why animals were created, the role they play in the Christian vision of History.
Be kind to animals. Such kindness will hasten the day of the Parousie
A general conclusion of the book that is also present in other books: There is a way to force God’s hand in accelerating history, by spreading Love among the creation, specifically between mankind and animals.

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